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North Pembroke PTO

Dear NPES Families,

We are looking forward to the school year and the many events the PTO plans and supports. PTO is a GREAT way to get involved in our community, support our kids, and meet new people. Whether you have an afternoon, evening, or a little more time to volunteer; we value your efforts! 

Facebook Page "North Pembroke PTO" - Please visit the page and “like” it to keep up to date on what is going on and how events have been done.

NPES Website: Our website contains all pertinent information regarding the PTO. The meeting minutes from the monthly PTO meetings are posted, important dates to remember, contact information, and certain links for fundraising.

Broadcast Emails: We will send some emails on key initiatives through the school's broadcast emailing system.  Our intent is not to send another email every day, but if we need to promote something, advise on a change, etc., we will use this distribution list. 

Email us This is our unique email address.  Email us with any questions, concerns, and/or ideas and we will get back to you as quickly as we can! 

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