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Student Absences

The Pembroke Public Schools require the following procedures to verify pupil absences and address pupil safety concerns in Grades PreK through 12: Parents are expected to notify the school as soon as it is determined that a child is to be absent or late.  Please let the school know as early as possible.  (See below for instructions.)

We encourage you to notify on the day prior to the child's absence if you know such will occur: medical appointments, out-of-town visits, etc.  

For students who are absent, parents will be notified of a student's absence through our blackboard community web manager alert system.  An automatic phone call and an email will go to the contact information provided. This automated call will be sent even if a parent reported the child's absence to the school.  If you had reported your child's absence to the school and you receive the automated absence call, you may disregard the call.  

If your child is going to be absent please notify the school by using the following methods:

Elementary Schools

All three elementary schools are now utilizing Pick Up Patrol.  This enables parents/caregivers to make changes to their student's dismissal procedure right from home.

  • If you need to dismiss early, or your child needs to be picked up versus take the bus,  you can just go into the app and make the changes there. No more forgotten notes, or last minute phone calls.  
  • If you plan on picking your child up from school, please update Pick Up Patrol.
  • If your child will be picked up early, enter into Pick Up Patrol, you must also sign your child out at the main office.
  • If  you ask a friend or relative to dismiss your child, they must present a picture ID. Please also note who will be picking up your child in Pick Up Patrol. 

All changes must be in the system no later than 2:00 PM each day.

To learn more about Pick Up Patrol Click Here. 


To notify the school of a students absence, please call the following numbers and leave a detailed message including the student's name, teacher and reason for being absent.

Bryantville: 781-293-5411

Hobomock: 781-294-2003

North: 781-826-5115


Middle and High School

Pembroke High School: 781-293-9281

Pembroke Community MIddle School: 781-293-8627